Bookings & Facility Rentals

A brief outline on how to get started with Facility Rentals.
Written by Communal Support
Updated 21 hours ago

New to Communal's Bookings module and not sure where to start? We’ll walk you through the basics to get you going!

This module is designed for you to manage your rentable entities. These are areas that are reserved through a calendar such as halls, gyms, tennis courts, etc. You'll have the ability to create and configure an unlimited number of entities. Each one will have its own calendar where you can manage openings, review rental requests and create invoices. 

Getting Started:

  • Before creating your first rentable entity, we recommend reading our Bookings Overview. At a high-level, it will take you through the general definitions and configurable options available to you in this module.

Creating a Bookable Entity:

  • Now that you have a basic understanding of Bookings, you are ready to create your first rentable entity! The article, Adding a Bookable Entity or Facility will walk you through the first steps involved in setting up your rentable spaces.

Building the Calendar:

  • After creating your first rentable entity, you'll need to set when it is open. The article, Setting When an Entity is Open, will take you through this process. 

Adding Bookings into the Calendar:

  • Now that the calendar is ready, it is time to start populating your bookings! The steps in the article, Creating Bookings in the Calendar, will walk you through this process in detail.

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