Adding a Bookable Entity or Facility

Learn how to create online calendars for your bookable entities.
Written by Communal Support
Updated 10 months ago

The Bookings feature provides a convenient way for you to manage your spaces online. You can add as many spaces as needed and each one can be uniquely configured to reflect the rules of the space.

We will start by outlining the steps required to add your entity.

Creating your bookable entity:

  1. Select the Facilities tab then My Facilities on the left-hand side of the admin portal.
  2. Click Create new Facility.
  3. Fill out the Basic Information:

    Name: The name of the entity that will be displayed.
    Description: An internal description that only administrators can view.
    Memberships Required to Book: If online bookings are available for this entity, you can use this section to restrict if a membership is required to submit a booking into the calendar.
    Associated Bookable Entity: If there are multiple rooms or spaces associated with the same parent entity, use this section to associate them together. Example: For tennis courts, first add the main entity for the tennis courts then create separate entities for each court. While adding the courts, use this section to associate them back to the parent entity. 
    Minimum Booking Length: The minimum hours a user needs to enter to submit a booking.
    Maximum Booking Length: The maximum hours a user needs to enter to submit a booking.
    Entity Code: If there is a code required to unlock the facility to access this entity, it will be included in the confirmation email sent to users.

Configuring your bookable entity:

  1. Select the Booking Type of your entity:

    Instant: Booking requests from users that do not require admin approval and are instantly added to the calendar.
    Request: Booking requests from users that require admin review/approval before being finalized in the calendar.
  2. Determine the Public Settings for the entity.
  3. The options for the rest of the form will differ depending on if the Booking Type is Instant or Request.
    1. If you select Request, review this article to add your Booking States & Checklists.

Next, follow the steps in this article to set when your bookable entity is open.

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