Stripe/FINTRAC Verification FAQ

Common questions related to the Canadian government verification regulations
Written by Communal Support
Updated 2 months ago

Why do I need to input this information for my nonprofit?

Stripe, Communal's payment processor, regularly reviews and updates its verification requirements to stay current with government financial regulations and ensure businesses using Stripe are compliant. This helps protect against online fraudulent activity where others may try to masquerade as your organization. For Canadian businesses and nonprofits accepting card payments or making transfers, there have been updates in recent years to how the government validates and verifies nonprofit information. As a result, you will need to provide information on your organization, board of directors, and representative. 

What actions do I need to take?

Log into your Communal admin account to see the actions you need to complete on the main dashboard to be compliant with Canadian regulations. You can also follow along step-by-step using our helpful guide or reach out to

Do I have to add all of the directors (both executive and non-executive)?

FINTRAC and Stripe require listing all directors including executive and non-executive members. We recommend submitting the list of directors that directly correlates to one of the accepted supporting documents for directors (listed here). If you do not have a document that matches your current directorship you are able to complete a board resolution template which we highly recommend doing if your AGM minutes do not list your board members with their first name last name and title in a clear list. 

I keep getting the error "The directors on the document did not match the directors on the account."

Ensure that your list of Directors exactly matches the names provided in your document uploaded. Stripe does not account for typos or nicknames. 

If the name provided in your Communal list does not match the name on the uploaded document, or if the document includes a name that isn't listed, Stripe will reject the submission. It's essential to ensure that all names are consistent between your list and the uploaded documents to avoid any issues.

Additionally we have seen Stripe reject documents, such as AGM minutes, that do not clearly state the directors (i.e., names scattered throughout the document rather than in a list). So if that is the case you may want to consider submitting a board resolution

If you do not have access to a document that matches the list, you could create a signed resolution confirming the individuals opening the account on behalf of the organization have the authority to do so (template).

If you face continued issues with this error, please email or book a meeting with our client support specialist. 

I keep getting the error "The file type provided is valid but the uploaded document is not one of the supported document types."

We recommend uploading a document such as your board meeting minutes or annual return to satisfy the board verification requirement and a utility bill for your organization verification document. Please see the list of supported documents here.

Do all of the directors I have entered need to upload their IDs?

No. Only the main representative on the site is required to upload their ID to satisfy the Know Your Customer (KYC) legal requirement.

I completed all of the previous actions and now it is asking for new information and documentation supporting my previous information. 

FINTRAC and Stripe will check the business name, business address, and director information you have submitted on your account against the information available in the provincial and/or federal registries of nonprofits. If the information you submitted cannot be verified against the information in the registry, you will be asked to submit additional documentation to support the validity of the information. More information on accepted documents is outlined here.

How is the data protected since it contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII)?

The data is stored and encrypted by Stripe. They uphold the most stringent level of certification available in the security and payments industry: the PCI Level 1 Service Provider certificate. This is the same level of protection used for credit card information.

I entered my nonprofit's address and it says I still need to enter the information. What should I do?

It is likely that you entered an invalid address or a P.O. Box. Stripe will not accept a P.O. Box as a registered address; it needs to be a physical address. You can update your business address in your Communal site to a location where physical mail can be received if it differs from the one on your articles of incorporation.

Will I need to submit documents to Stripe for FINTRAC verification every year?

At this time, if your Communal Manger Dashboard says you have been verified then no further information is required. If anything else is needed, we’ll reach out to you directly.

However, it is important to note that as regulatory requirements evolve globally, you can expect Stripe's compliance process to evolve along with them. 

What happens if I do not input this information?

You will not be able to use the Communal platform to process payments as Stripe is Communal's payment processor. 


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