Table of Contents
- Proof of Registration Supported Documents
- Proof of Directorship Supported Documents
- Representative Documents
Proof of Registration Supported Documents
Acceptable forms of registration are listed below:
- A current and valid municipal, provincial, territorial or federal government issued document that contains the entity name and address / Un document valide et à jour délivré par les autorités municipales, provinciales, territoriales ou fédérales qui indique le nom et l’adresse de l’entité
- Corporate profile report / Rapport sur le profil de l’entreprise
- Notice of Assessment issued by the Canadian Revenue Agency / Avis de cotisation délivré par l’Agence du revenu du Canada
- Articles of Incorporation / Statuts
- Articles of Association / Statuts
- Notice of Articles / Avis sur les statuts
- Company Summary / Résumé du plan d’affaires
- Search for an entity on the register / Recherche de l’entité au registre des entreprises (Québec only)
- Business license / Permis d’exploitation d’un commerce
- Partnership agreement or registration / Contrat de société de personnes ou preuve d’enregistrement de la société de personnes
- A signed resolution confirming the individuals opening the account on behalf of the organization have the authority to do so (non-profits only) / Résolution signée confirmant que la personne ouvrant le compte au nom de l’entité a obtenu l’autorisation de le faire (organismes à but non lucratif uniquement)
- Utility bill / Facture de services publics Electricity, gas, water, etc. Mobile phone bills are not accepted.
Required information:
- Full company legal entity name that matches the legal entity name in your Stripe profile
- Tax ID from the local tax authority that matches what’s in your Stripe profile (excluding Canada)
- Company address that matches what’s in your Stripe profile
Proof of Directorship Supported Documents
Acceptable forms of directorship verification:
- A current and valid municipal, provincial, territorial or federal government issued document that contains the entity name and directors / Un document valide et à jour délivré par les autorités municipales, provinciales, territoriales ou fédérales qui indique le nom de l’entité et de ses administrateurs
- Corporate profile report / Rapport sur le profil de l’entreprise
- Articles of Incorporation / Statuts
- Articles of Association / Statuts
- Notice of Articles / Avis sur les statuts
- Notice of Change of Directors (eg. Form 6, Form 4006, Form 3006) / Avis de changement concernant les administrateurs (p. ex. Formulaire 6, Formulaire 4006, Formulaire 3006)
- Board meeting minutes/resolution / Procès-verbaux/résolutions des réunions du conseil d’administration - dated within 12 months
- A signed resolution confirming the individuals opening the account on behalf of the organization have the authority to do so (template) / Résolution signée confirmant que la personne ouvrant le compte au nom de l’entité a obtenu l’autorisation de le faire (organismes à but non lucratif uniquement)
Required information:
- Legal entity name
- Where applicable, all director, shareholder, and beneficial owner names and positions
Organization Representative Supported Documents
You cannot submit the same document for Proof of Identity and Proof of Address. They must be two separate documents.
Proof of Identity document requirements:
Document must be:
- Uploaded in full color (no black-and-white scans)
- Valid and not expired
- Clear and large enough to read
- Complete documents must be uploaded. A complete document is defined as:
- Both front and back of a driver’s license or identity card
- The entire personal information page of a passport
- Uploaded in .png or .jpg format (photos and color scans acceptable)
- If the ID is from the Netherlands, make sure your citizen service number (BSN) is not visible in the photo.
- Photocopies of identity documents are not acceptable
Acceptable documents:
- Passport / Passeport
- Driver’s licence / Permis de conduire
- Citizenship card
- Canadian Forces Certificate
- Permanent Resident card / Carte de résident permanent
- Provincial or territorial issued photo identity cards / Cartes d’identité avec photo délivrées par une province ou un territoire - scans of front and back are required
- Certificate of Indian Status card / Certificat du statut d’Indien
- Birth certificate / Acte de naissance
- Marriage certificate / Acte de mariage
Required information:
- Full legal name that matches the name in your Stripe profile
- Date of birth (DOB) that matches what’s in your Stripe profile
- Photo of person (except where exclusions apply)
Proof of Home Address document requirements
Documents must be:
- Clear and large enough to read
- Dated within the past six months
- Complete documents must be uploaded. A complete document is defined as:
- At least one full page of the document
- The full name and address of the individual are clearly stated and legible
- Uploaded in .png, .jpg, or .pdf format
Acceptable documents:
- Driver’s licence / Permis de conduire
- Provincial or territorial issued photo identity cards / Cartes d’identité avec photo délivrées par une province ou un territoire - scans of front and back are required
- Insurance document / Documents d’assurance
- Investment account statement / Relevés de compte de placement
- Property tax statement / Relevé d’impôts fonciers
- Bank statement / Relevé de compte bancaire
- Utility bill / Facture de services publics - dated within 12 months
Required information:
- Full legal name that matches the name in your Stripe profile
- Personal address that matches the personal address in your Stripe profile
- Document that’s dated within the acceptable range of 12 months