How to Manually Create an Invoice

Step-by-Step Guide to Manually Creating and Sending Invoices
Written by Communal Support
Updated 4 months ago

There may be times where you need to manually create an invoice to send to someone within your clientele. Follow these steps to master manually creating an invoice. 

  1. Navigate to your Communal Manager Dashboard and on the left hand side under Tools select Invoices
  2. Next you will select Create New Invoice in the top right hand corner
  3. Under Invoice Details select whether in invoice is for a Guest, Member, or Organization
    If it is a Guest you will need to enter their name, email, and phone number 
    If it is a Member or an organization you can search their name and pull up their information 
  4. Then write a brief invoice description explaining what the invoice is for
  5. Next you can choose either a Due Date for Payment Collection or Charge Immediately. If there is no payment information on record for the customer then you must create a Due Date
  6. Select your Due Date
  7. Then you will select the items you are invoicing them for. You can enter this information manually or select a bookable entity or product
    You will also have the option to create a product. There you will need to Name the product and, if applicable, indicate the Cost Per Quantity. Lastly indicate if Tax Applies to this product and click OK. This product will be available for you to choose on future invoices as well. 
    Optionally you can provide a description of the item(s) you are invoicing the customer for. For example folks with bookable entities will input the dates of the rental
  8. Next input the Quantity of the item (whole numbers only) and the Cost. Be sure to also denote whether you would like to Apply Tax or not. 
  9. If you are done adding items click Save Invoice, otherwise you can add more items by clicking Add Item in the bottom left hand corner and repeat steps 7-9
  10. Once you have saved your invoice you have the option of finalizing and emailing the invoice, finalizing and not emailing the invoice, or archiving the invoice and starting fresh
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