How to Create a Custom Registration Email

Personalize Your Communications with Custom Email Notifications
Written by Communal Support
Updated 1 week ago

If you want to send a custom message when someone registers for one of your events, you’ll need to follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to your Communal Manager Dashboard and on the left hand side under Settings select Custom Notifications
  2. Then select Create New Custom Notification and write your custom email in the Custom Notifications section and click Save
  3. Next, you need to tell the system which event/volunteer opportunity needs to have this message sent upon registration
  4. To start the process, go to Actions under Settings
  5. Select Create New Action, title the action, and pick which type of action you are creating from the list below:
    1. User Subscription is for when someone buys a membership
    2. Program Sign Up is when someone registers for a program or event
    3. Donation is for when someone makes a donation
    4. Volunteer Shift is when someone sign ups for a shift
    5. User Renewed Membership is for when users renew their yearly membership
  6. Next you need to complete the rest of the fields that populate:
    1. For Parameter pick Volunteer Opportunity ID
    2. The Desired Value is the ID of the specific opportunity. This is the number found in the URL of the program/volop as seen in the example here:
    3. The last step is to select the custom email you wrote previously from the list in the final field by selecting Custom Email as the Action and the title of your email as the Parameters
  7. The custom email will now be sent to everyone that registers for your specific event/volunteering opportunity
  8. You will need to complete the above steps for each volunteer opportunity you want a registration notification for. For the other notifications you want to send you are able to do so manually. Here is an instruction guide outlining the steps
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