Sync your Member Database to MailChimp

Connect Communal to your Mailchimp database to automatically update email lists.
Written by Communal Support
Updated 9 months ago

Creating a connection between Mailchimp and Communal ensures that when a new member joins your organization, their information is added to your mailing lists automatically. Setting up the connection is easy, and you'll have the option to choose the Mailchimp list to integrate with.

How to Connect Communal to Mailchimp using Zapier:

Before getting started, contact and ask for your Zapier invite link
  1. First, create a Zapier account if your organization does not have a pre-existing one (it is free)
  2. After logging into Zapier, click + Create Zap
  3. **Before you'll be able to search for Communal as an app while building your Trigger, you'll need to accept the Communal-Zapier invite you received by contacting**
  4. You'll then be asked to log into your Communal instance and prompted for a key. Your key is found by going to Settings and then API Keys in Communal
  5. Next, select the Event for your trigger. Most organizations use the New Subscription event as it will update based on who holds a membership. If you simply want all users that create an account in Communal, use the New User event.
  6. You'll be asked to test your trigger at this point.
  7. Next, build your 'Action' by searching for Mailchimp. For Event, select 'Add/Update Subscriber'.
  8. From this point, you'll need to start mapping the custom fields you use within Mailchimp
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