Creating Booking States & Checklists

How to keep your booking requests organized with booking states and checklists.
Written by Communal Support
Updated 11 months ago

Booking states and checklists are a great way to stay organized as you work through each booking request.

Booking Checklists: These are custom lists that can be unique to each entity, or used across all bookable spaces. They are designed to help you keep track of the tasks required to review each booking request. An example list is shown below:

How to build and apply a booking checklist:

  1. Go to SettingsBookings.
  2. Scroll down to Booking Checklists and select Create Checklist.
  3. Name your checklist then create all of the various items to include in the list.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Apply your new checklist to your bookable entity by clicking Facilities → My Facilities on the left-hand side of the admin portal.
  6. Find your entity and click the ••• then Edit.
  7. Scroll down to Booking Checklists then select your new list.
  8. Click Save.

Booking States: Before a booking request is approved, it will flow through a custom series of booking states. The idea is for each state to be colour-coded so it is easy to identify the state of your requests on the calendar view. A simple example of a 3 state system is shown below:

How to build and apply a booking states:

  1. Go to SettingsBookings.
  2. Enter the name of the state (example: In progress) and the associated colour that will display on the calendar for all requests in that state.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Create the rest of your booking states.

    If you create multiple states, you have the option to decide which bookings states apply to each entity.
  5. Ensure the order of the states is correct. 
  6. Apply your new booking states to your bookable entity by clicking Facilities → My Facilities on the left-hand side of the admin portal.
  7. Find your entity and click the ••• then Edit.
  8. Scroll down to Booking States then select the ones that apply.
  9. Click Save.
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