EFCL Administration Fee

Detailed explanation of the EFCL admin fee for accounting purposes
Written by Communal Support
Updated 9 months ago

As a starting point, your League receives the full membership fee for each purchase made through the EFCL website, with the EFCL covering the credit card processing fee. The Transaction List (within the Reporting tab) provides information on how the fee is presented in the system.

Below is an example breakdown to understand the $5 EFCL administrative fee for accounting purposes:

Example amounts:

  • Original Membership Price: $20
  • EFCL Admin Fee: $5
  • Total Charged to Member: $25
  • Credit Card Processing Fee: $1.09

Amounts Received:

  • League: $20
  • EFCL $3.91 ($5 - $1.09)

For questions related to the fee, please contact the EFCL directly. The EFCL uses the remainder of the fee to pay for the maintenance and administration of online membership sales.

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